Grassroots Hard Enduro National Championship Round 2 Top 3 of each class.
Congratulations to all riders that attended and the finishing podiums for round two of the Australian Hard Enduro Championship, the...

Australia's 9th Wildwood Rock Extreme Entries go live 10th July...
Wildwood Rock Extreme Enduro is set for the 9th year with entries going live at 9:00am for the 4th of November Event.
With best off-road mot

70 Days Count Down
Only 5 spots are left for Australia's Hardest off-road event, the Husqvarna Motorcycles Wildwood Rock Extreme Enduro is closely coming...

75 Day Count Down
Wildwood increases it's rider list to 138 of the 150 on offer. With less than 75 days until each class battles for the win it is clear...

Wildwood Rock awaits the opening of entries for the 2017 Extreme event
Wildwood Rock Extreme Enduro releases details for the 2017 Extreme Enduro.